How to Join the Merchant Navy UK 2024

The merchant navy is a dynamic and exciting industry that offers many opportunities for young people seeking a career at sea or in the maritime sector. Whether you’re interested in navigating ships, maintaining and repairing machinery, or managing cargo operations, there is a merchant navy role that suits your skills and interests. 

This blog will look at how young people can join the merchant navy, including apprenticeships, cadetships, sponsored degrees, and more. We’ll be looking across the different departments of the merchant navy and the different ways to enter. Whether you’re just starting out or have some experience under your belt, there is a path to a rewarding career in the merchant navy that can help you achieve your goals.

Ways to Join the Merchant Navy

In 2024, there are seven common ways to join the UK Merchant Navy:

  1. Apprenticeships
  2. Cadetships
  3. Seafarer Training and Assessment (STA) Programmes
  4. Sponsored Degrees
  5. Direct Entry
  6. Maritime Colleges and Universities
  7. Deck Officer and Engineer Officer Programmes

Below we explore each pathway in detail. 


An apprenticeship in the merchant navy typically involves on-the-job training and formal classroom instruction. It’s an excellent way for young people to gain hands-on experience and learn the skills necessary for a career in the maritime industry.

For convenience, we have subdivided the most common apprenticeships in the maritime industry into two categories: Maritime Apprenticeships for Careers at Sea and Maritime Apprenticeships for Shoreside Roles.

Maritime Apprenticeships for Careers at Sea

Deck Apprentice: A deck apprentice works on the ship’s bridge, learning the skills necessary to become a deck officer, including navigation, communications, and safety procedures.

Engine Apprentice: An engine apprentice works in the ship’s engine room, learning the skills necessary to become an engineer officer, including maintenance, repair, and operation of the ship’s machinery.

Steward Apprentice: A steward apprentice works in the ship’s galley, learning the skills necessary to become a catering officer, including cooking, food preparation, and menu planning.

Maritime Appreticships for Shoreside Roles

Marine Surveyor Apprentice: A marine surveyor apprentice works for a maritime classification society, learning how to inspect and assess ships for compliance with international safety standards.

Port Operations Apprentice: A port operations apprentice works for a shipping company or port authority, learning the skills necessary to manage the movement of ships in and out of port, including cargo handling and vessel traffic management.

Marine Electronics Technician Apprentice: A marine electronics technician apprentice works for a marine electronics company, learning how to install, maintain, and repair the electronic systems used on ships, including navigation equipment, communication systems, and safety systems.


A cadetship is a training program that combines on-the-job training with formal education. Shipping companies and maritime schools often offer cadetships, which can provide young people with a comprehensive introduction to the merchant navy.

Deck Cadetship: A deck cadetship is a training program that prepares young people for a career as a deck officer responsible for navigation, communications, and safety procedures on a ship.

Engineer Cadetship: An engineer cadetship is a training program that prepares young people for a career as an engineer officer, responsible for the maintenance, repair, and operation of a ship’s machinery.

Electro-Technical Cadetship: An electrotechnical cadetship is a training program that prepares young people for a career as electrotechnical officers responsible for the electricals on board. 

Catering Cadetship: A catering cadetship is a training program that prepares young people for a career as a catering officer, responsible for operating a ship’s galley and providing food and beverages to the crew.

These are the most common types of cadetships in the merchant navy. However, it’s important to note that some shipping companies may offer different types of cadetships tailored to their specific needs and requirements. It’s essential to research each option carefully to determine which one is best suited to your interests and goals.

Seafarer Training and Assessment (STA) Programmes

Some maritime organisations offer STA programmes designed to provide young people with the skills and knowledge needed to start a career as a seafarer.

Sponsored Degrees

Some shipping companies offer sponsored degree programs in maritime studies, which can provide young people with a thorough education in all aspects of the merchant navy.

Direct Entry

Some shipping companies may offer direct entry opportunities to young people with relevant experience or qualifications. This can be a good option for those who have already completed training or education in a related field.

Maritime Colleges and Universities

Attending a maritime college or university can provide young people with a comprehensive education in all aspects of the merchant navy, including navigation, engineering, and maritime law.

Deck Officer and Engineer Officer Programmes

Many shipping companies offer deck officer and engineer officer programmes to provide young people with the skills and knowledge needed to become licensed seafarers.

Ready to Join?

The merchant navy offers a diverse range of career paths for young people interested in the maritime industry. From apprenticeships and cadetships to sponsored degrees and direct entry programs, there are many opportunities to gain hands-on experience and receive formal education. The merchant navy is a dynamic and exciting field that provides a chance to explore the world, learn new skills, and make a meaningful impact on global trade and commerce. Whether you are just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, the merchant navy is a valuable and rewarding industry to consider.

Born and raised in Dover, UK, P. Roberts has a deep understanding of the complexities of the industry and has dedicated his career to promoting safety through training. With a strong belief in the importance of standardised training for all, P. Roberts has made it his mission to help people achieve their aspirations and succeed in the maritime industry. His passion for this cause has earned him a well-deserved reputation as a mentor and advocate for those seeking to enter the field. P. Roberts' contributions to the industry have been invaluable, and his insights and knowledge are widely sought after by both novices and seasoned professionals alike.
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