Dive into the mysterious depths of another legendary sea monster: the Kraken. This formidable beast, entrenched in Nordic folklore, has haunted the imaginations of sailors and landlubbers alike for centuries.
Where Did All The Hovercraft Go?!
While the hovercraft was not to last, its legacy lives on, inspiring us to push the boundaries of what is possible with new technologies.
Storror Takes on a Sunken Ship Adventure in Their Latest Viral Video
Must watch. Join Storror on their latest adventure as they explore the sunken ship AYİŞ 1 in their latest viral video.
Davy Jones Locker: Origin of The Legend
Sailors tell tales that Davy Jones is a sea demon who drags sailors to the bottom of the sea and keep them there forever as punishment for their sins. The sailors that are doomed to spend eternity in Davy Jones’ locker are said to be doomed to a watery grave.
But where does the story of Davey Jones originate? And who, or what, was Davey Jones?